The Homegrown Podcast

Ep 10 - Corey Whitmore

Episode Summary

This episode we have our colleague and "Pick Up The Mic Podcast" Creator, Producer, and Host - Corey Whitmore. - We go over how he grew up in many places, code switching, his love of helping teens in his community and starting his podcast. -Discussing how courageous teens are these days, how social media makes a difference in their lives today, and the importance of the teacher to student relationships. -How he's keeping his own family and children aware of the situations of society and the racial tensions that happen in the world. -The difference between bullying and racism within schools and how they should be taught separately. - What similarities there are within cultures and races that need to be understood to create unity. - As always, the Quick Hitters! This episode will give you an experience of enlightenment, focus, and keeping you a woke. Pick Up The Mic - Pick Up The Mic Facebook - Spotify Link -